Thursday, August 10, 2006

Good reads (blogs not books)

Recently, through much clicking and following of links, I've found two blogs that intrigue me. Each is the kind of blog that makes me want to sit and start reading from the beginning! I don't have that much time, so I've decided to read a few entries every time I visit... Someday I'll catch up! I'll make a link to the first ever post in each blog.

barista brat
i'm the original barista brat. come find me at your local bux!

Wide Lawns and Narrow Minds
Wide Lawns and Narrow Minds is a social satire about life in South Florida, from the perspective of a witty and often abused country club employee, who must deal on a daily basis with the exploits of the tasteless, demanding, tacky and unreasonable Rich White People for whom she works. Calling herself Subservient Worker, the author of this blog anonymously recounts the outrageous, fictionalized incidents which occur regularly at her job as an administrative assistant in the Home Owner’s Association of one of the largest and most exclusive golf and tennis communities in Basura, Florida, while also offering a sane and balanced contrast to the lifestyle of her employers. Any similarities between events, locations or individuals mentioned in this blog and actual events, locations or individuals are purely coincidental, unintended and not the responsibility of Subservient Worker. All material contained on this blog is the copyrighted, original material of its author, so don't steal or I'll turn off your barcode.


Anonymous said...

I got Miss Zoot ( to redesign it for me.

Wide Lawns said...

Why Thank You for that link! I hope you have a lovely weekend.