Saturday, January 06, 2007


On our visit to San Antonio this Christmas, Mom and Dad and I drove around a bit near Trinity University. At one time my parents rented the second floor of a two story house there. It was their first home together. And my Oma, my Dad's mom, lived down the street in a small house. My other grandma, Nanny, lived in San Antonio too. We spent many a fun week or weekend in San Antonio going between the grandmas houses. They were 71 (Nanny) and 72 (Oma) when I was born and lived to be 89 and 95. I was blessed to have them!

My Oma's house. When she lived there, it was all white and had no carport.

My Nanny's house also had no carport when she lived there.

My parents' first home together was the top floor of this duplex.


p said...

I like the names Oma and Opa for grandparents. I guess your Oma was either German or of German descent?

Team Mexico said...

still waiting for that new post you promised!! : )

shell said...

this looks remarkably similar to the post i've been looking at for the past 2 months. :)

love ya,