Sunday, January 01, 2006

Cute Boys

The Park boys are my buddies. Samuel (Spiderman) and I worked a 150 piece puzzle, while Jeremiah (Batman) and I attempted a 24 piece puzzle. Much fun was had by all!

I had plans to exercise today, so that I could say (at least once in my life) that I exercised every day this year. It didn't happen!Does the phrase, "It's the thought that counts" apply in this situation? Please?

I've been working on my list of 101 Things (about myself). I have 72 things so far. There are many more, but I'm trying to make a list of 101 INTERESTING Things. I might go back and edit the aforementioned 72.

I'm posting from a Mac today, courtesy of the Park family. At least I can say I have posted a blog entry every day this year!


Ron and Marilyn said...

Yes, very cute boys indeed!

shell said...

Man! Those are the cutest boys I've ever seen. Their parents must be overwhelmed by such cuteness!!

Thanks for coming to play. We love you,