Saturday, March 25, 2006


I just want to go on record to say that I'm pulling for LSU. Who cares about my bracket? I'm out of it anyway because, being a good Ag, I picked A&M to win out.

I like the way my friend Joe Hays' brain works. He had a great blog regarding sporting logic on Thursday, March 23rd. Here's a quote:

5th Grade Logic
Duke got beat tonight. LSU stung the Blue Devils with an eight point win. So, and this is where the 5th grade sporting logic comes into play, if LSU beat Duke by eight and the Aggies lost to LSU by one, then the Aggies would beat Duke by seven. Cool, huh? I'm a huge Duke fan but A&M is where my heart is, so it's kinda cool to say that my Aggies would beat Duke by seven...according to my fifth grade logic.
If we continue with his logic: since LSU beat UT by 10 points and the Ags lost to LSU by just one point, then in our fantasy world, the Ags would beat Texas by 9 points.

A girl can dream, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is hard for me for be for LSU OR Texas. Remind me to tell you the story of my trip to LSU for a football game when I was a junior, with 5 jillion people in my car, when my parents thought I ws in COllege Station studying.