Monday, August 21, 2006

I am SO grown up!

I mentioned that I'm officially a grown up in an earlier post. Age and habits make it so.

So I've done something else that only a grown up would do. I increased my contribution to my 401k. I also re-allocated the money already in it. I analyzed, researched, rubbed my forehead, and squinted. Recently our 401k administrators added more funds from which to choose, so this was no small task. I'm feeling good - and stupid. I should have stayed on top of this all along.

I will not be lazy. Grown ups aren't lazy.

Here's a few Outback pictures from my trip to Australia in September 2003. I was absolutely NOT lazy on this day. I bet we hiked 10 miles. And then I slept in a big tent on a cot!

Then again, I do feel pretty grown up for taking a trip to Australia on my own! I'll post more pictures if you guys care to see them!


Heather said...

The Australia pictures are AWESOME and I am jealous!

Good job on being all grown up and responsible! One day I will grow up too!

shell said...

I guess I"m not very grown up then, cuz I'm feeling really lazy! :)

Loved the pics. Love you more!

Andreia Huff said...

Wow! I so wanna go there!

Down Under Aggie said...

That was a GREAT day! We were tired but it was gorgeous. Want to go to Darwin in June? I am staying with some aborigines there, it'll be better than a tent and a cot I promise!