Merry Christmas!
Thanks to Melanie for this idea. Here is a digital version of my Christmas card for 2008. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too.
Thanks to Melanie for this idea. Here is a digital version of my Christmas card for 2008. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too.
Posted by Joyce B. at 12/24/2008 10:51:00 PM 4 thoughts
(Those of you who know me will say, "Which camera?" The Nikon D60 that I HAD TO HAVE when two friends at church turned me on to the series. Yes I know, I should go to a support group. "Hello, my name is Joyce and I'm addicted to new technology...")
Posted by Joyce B. at 11/19/2008 11:28:00 PM 5 thoughts
Today is an anniversary that we MUST take time to remember.
My mom and I have traveled to New York City together twice. We made a trip with friends in April of 2001 to celebrate my 30th birthday. We also celebrated Mom's 76th birthday with a trip in July of 2004.
We visited Ground Zero on our trip in 2004 - below are some of the pictures I took that day. (I wish I had digital pictures from the trip in 2001 - it would make these pictures all the more poignant.)
Posted by Joyce B. at 9/11/2008 04:54:00 PM 3 thoughts
I have a new friend living with me at the moment. I think he's cute. I've decide he can stay... as long as he understands he can't infringe on my space. Currently he lives in the garage. I believe he used to live near the front porch in these weird plants that used to be there before Dad and I dug them out. Not sure where he's been since we did that a year or two ago. (And I can't find my original pictures from the plant area to see how he's grown!)
Posted by Joyce B. at 9/10/2008 10:37:00 PM 2 thoughts
Several days ago a great friend got back in touch with me and she called me out on my serious lack of blogging. I wasn't going to include the text of her message here, but I think you'd enjoy it. And maybe she will too. I'm not naming names. Just responding.
"Really blogging once a year seems a little goofy for someone who travels as much as you! You thought I wasn't paying attention!"
I'm pretty sure that I haven't been on a trip since last June or July when I went to Chicago. I'm not counting the numerous trips to San Antonio since last August when I started helping my uncle. I should have taken some pictures of San Antonio, but all I have are pictures from his old (interesting and dusty) apartment and a few from his new place. I can't think that you would be interested in those, but I'll include a couple because I ALWAYS have pictures in my posts. His new place is rearranged a bit now and there is a nice bed spread too. (Please note that if cell phone cameras were any good at all, I'd have some VERY interesting things to show you from the cabinet cleaning in the kitchen.)
Posted by Joyce B. at 8/22/2008 02:22:00 PM 3 thoughts
1. Lyle Lovett in concert - if you're paying attention then you already know this about me. I recently saw him at the new venue in Austin - The Long Center. What a nice venue! Great location, great views from the courtyard and outdoor balconies, easy parking and super acoustics. Pictures are below. Should I mention that I also have a crush on the cello player, John Hagen, and the acoustic guitar player, Keith Sewell (who also plays mandolin and sings).
Posted by Joyce B. at 8/18/2008 05:57:00 PM 5 thoughts
Is anyone still checking my blog? I know that I have been a slacker. A huge slacker. It's really sad. Along the way I've thought of things about which I should blog. Now, of course, I have no idea what those thoughts were.
Because I have been AWOL - the only people who might see this are those that use a blog reader like Google Reader.
And for those people - I present the view from my office window... Where you can see my pet deer, her fawn, a squirrel and a cute little bird.
Posted by Joyce B. at 6/04/2008 06:22:00 PM 6 thoughts