This year we had a very quiet family holiday. My parents came to my house and stayed from Friday to Wednesday. Our time together was filled with eating, working, visiting and sleeping.
Mom and Dad asleep by 8:30 pm after a hard day!Dad, of course, worked in my yard and around the house as much as he could. It's his passion and I think he prefers to do it alone... most visits we both work in the yard several days, but this year he just did a bit of clearing in my back yard and we put out mulch together in the front yard. Don't get me wrong, he works circles around me all the time, but this year even more so because I spent time with Mom, either around the house (watching her favorites on DVR - Reba, Everybody Loves Raymond and Frasier) or running around getting last minute things done for the holiday.
We had a quiet gift opening at my house Saturday night and then Sunday morning we headed for San Antonio to see my extended family. My uncle went to lunch with us at, you guessed it, Luby's (
just like last year)... but my aunt was in the hospital for a colonoscopy, so we visited her afterward. She got out just after that and seems to be doing a bit better. I am worried about them both, though, and hope to be a better niece in 2007.
As you can see, the weather was worse and this is just a picture of the Luby's sign and a random Mexican restaurant we didn't visit.I also hope to be a better daughter in 2007 too.
Dad and Mom, Christmas Eve 2006.